an abstract photo of a curved building with a blue sky in the background

AI officer Program:

Amplify Your Impact, influence & income with efficient, effective & Ethical AI

Become the AI Leader for your audience. Be the AI Officer in your business.

This includes AI training, coaching, tools, tactics, templates, and certifications so that you can use and deploy AI efficiently, effectively, and ethically in your business to grow revenue, brand, operations, and audience.

Amplify AI Leadership

This is for:

  • A forward-thinking consultant eager to offer cutting-edge AI solutions

  • A business professional tasked with bringing AI into your organisation

  • Someone who sees AI not just as a tool, but as a force for positive change

This Program Isn't For:

  • Those seeking a quick fix or "get rich quick" scheme

  • Individuals without a basic grasp of how business works

  • Anyone unwilling to commit to ethical AI practices and continuous learning

Are you tired of working IN your business instead of ON your business? Do you find yourself stuck in the weeds of day-to-day operations without any time left for big-picture thinking and strategic growth?

I designed this membership & training program so that you can execute your ideas at speed, saving you time, energy, and mental space. Think of it as learning a new skill every week. Each of the modules will show you how to ideate, plan, and execute business growth tactics using artificial intelligence.

In just minutes a week, I'll guide you step-by-step to build and scale your business rapidly using the latest AI tools. No more wasting time on tasks a robot could do better.

We'll use AI to execute at speed. You'll get:

  • A paint-by-numbers blueprint to turn your ideas into an automated income stream. Stop leaving money on the table.

  • The secret formula to create offers that convert cold traffic into loyal, paying customers. Grow your audience and revenue predictably.

  • My highest converting email and social media GPT prompts. Engage and nurture your community on autopilot.

  • Access to the latest AI tools to 10x your productivity and output. Say goodbye to burnout and writer's block.

  • Proven frameworks to build partnerships and joint ventures. Expand your reach and credibility through collaborations.

  • Step-by-step guidance to level up your paid advertising. Drive conversions profitably without wasting ad dollars.

  • Systems to standardise and scale every aspect of your business. Your business should run itself, not you.

This program will pay for itself 10x over from the time and money you'll save and the growth you'll experience.

If you're ready to carefully put your business on autopilot so you can do the work you love, this is your chance. I promise you the next year will change how you operate your business!

Why this program is a win-win for your business:

  • A complete program to build and scale your business faster using AI

  • Step-by-step AI training on business, marketing, sales, systems, and team

  • Implementation focused on tangible outcomes each week including worksheets, prompts, and systems

  • Learn to generate leads, create products, build partnerships

  • Master paid ads, email nurturing, and podcasting with AI

  • Document systems and recruit your dream team

  • Focused on entrepreneurs and business leaders wanting more freedom and less busywork

5 Reasons why joining is an easy decision

8 x ROI Guarantee

If you don't achieve at least a 8 x return on your investment through AI-driven impact within 18 months, we'll refund your entire investment and pay you an additional 50% compensation.

Elite AI Leadership Certification

Graduate with our Amplify AI Leadership Certifications, which are now recognised by leading tech companies globally. If you don't pass, receive unlimited personalised coaching until you succeed.

Exclusive Global AI Mastermind

Gain lifetime access to our invite-only network of AI leaders and innovators from Fortune 500 companies, cutting-edge startups, and world-renowned research institutions.

AI Transformation Accelerator

Implement five high-impact AI projects in your organisation, potentially worth millions in value while with us. If opportunities are limited in your current role, we'll provide executive-level consulting projects.

Perpetual Innovation Guarantee

Receive cutting-edge updates, advanced AI tools, and recertification annually for life. Stay ahead of the curve as AI evolves, from a trusted team.

About your head teacher

Hey there, I'm Ronsley, and I'm on a mission to help you raise your voice and change the world. As a lifelong tech geek, entrepreneur, and storyteller, I've spent the last decade using my voice to inspire, educate, and empower folks like you to amplify your message and make a real difference.

I've been pulling computers apart since I was twelve and broke my first phone at two by plugging it into an electric socket (sorry, Mum!). That curiosity led me to a Bachelor's in Computer Science and Engineering, a Master's in Software Engineering, and, finally, an MBA focused on Psychology and Leadership. Because here's the thing – understanding people is just as important as understanding code.

But my real passion? Helping people share their stories. That's why I dived headfirst into the world of podcasting twelve years ago. Since then, I've created top-rated shows like Amplify AI, We Are Podcast, Bond Appetit, and The Psychology of Entrepreneurship, reaching over 5.1 million listeners across 133 countries. I even had the honour of giving a TEDx Talk on the power of deep conversations, which was made a TED Talk (check it out on!).

Through my podcast agency, We Are Podcast, I've helped over 1,200 businesses and individuals raise their voices and help their businesses stand out in a crowded market by using a podcast. We've worked with everyone from entertainers and athletes to government leaders, politicians and entrepreneurs, crafting podcasts that engage, inspire, and drive real business results.

But as the digital landscape shifted, I saw the first part of my career (computer science) and the second part (entrepreneurship & podcasting) merging – bringing in the AI revolution. This was about more than automating tasks; it was about unlocking human potential on an entirely new level. That's why I programmed Writeflow AI and founded Amplify AI, a training and advisory company that helps businesses adopt AI ethically and effectively. We're not just chasing the latest tech trends; we're building a future where AI empowers people to achieve the extraordinary.

No matter what I'm doing, my core belief remains the same: There has never been a better time to use your voice, speak your truth, and make sure the right people hear you. Especially if you have a business you believe in.

That's why I wrote AMPLIFY and why I'm so excited to share Amplify AI with you.

Destination is the same - Choose your journey


Core Amplify AI Curriculum Library


Everything from Amplifier Level 1, PLUS

Everything from Amplifier Level 2, PLUS


Access to Amplify AI Live Coaching:

  • Monthly Growth Tactic Trainings

  • Monthly Q&A Sessions

  • Exclusive VIP Sessions with Experts

  • Templates, Worksheets

Access to Amplify AI Community

Quaterly Live Strategy & MasterMind - Half Day Virtual Group Session

Access to Amplify AI Live Coaching Recordings Library

Access to Amplify AI Monthly Co-working Hackathons

Access to Amplify AI Monthly Small Group Mastermind

Access to Amplify AI Custom AI Tools:

  • WriteFlow AI

  • Day Trading Attention Marketing Plan

  • Business Goals Setting AI

  • Podcast Transcript to Repurposed Content AI

Monthly 1-on-1 Coaching Calls

Quaterly Business Board Meetings

Create 4 Custom AIs for your Business

Extra Amplifier Level 2 Membership for team member

2-day in-person Annual Amplify AI event

Custom AI Implmentation Roadmap and Onboarding Session

from $9,997 for 12 months

from $14,997 for 12 months

from $34,997 for 12 months

Coaching, Community, Curriculum

Recordings, Personalisation, Tools

Team, Strategy, Execution

Frequently asked questions

Is this a mastermind?

This is an annual program that enables you to get certified as an AI Officer. We offer you a range of coaching, training, support, templates, tools, tactics and more to help you ethically, effectively and efficiently use AI in your business. This also includes regular mastermind sessions.

How does your product/service work?

Think of this like an online university. We also give you access to coaching, community, curriculum, and clarity to make you a valuable leader with AI capabilities.

How much does it cost?

There are a wide variety of payment options to suit your needs, depending on the level of support and access you require.

Can I join for 3 months?

Unfortunately, we don't currently offer short term solutions. Our goals is to make sure we increase your capacity and capability as a leader, which takes time, focus and drive.

How can I contact you?

You can reach me at We are always happy to answer your questions.

Where can I learn more about you?

You can explore other sections of this website, such as the "About Us" page or our blog, to learn more about our company, mission, and team.