writeFlow AI

Imagine transforming the hours you spend on content creation into mere minutes, without sacrificing quality; WriteFlow is your AI-powered writing assistant that crafts engaging, consistent, and personalised content, freeing you to focus on growing your business.

They laughed when I said “you can have high converting, world class content, written for you in just seconds”. But then I showed them this...

Discover How You Can Save Yourself Thousands Of Dollars and 14+ Hours Per Week With What I Call “Artificial Intelligence on steroids”

You’ve finally found it… The one system to finally answer that common, nagging question: “Why am I spending so much money on time on content thats not guaranteeing me get new clients?”

See, if you’re struggling to juggle all the content creation to stay relevant today… It’s probably NOT because you’re not trying hard enough… or not willing to do whatever it takes… More than likely, it’s because you’re leveraging the power of AI.

You’re wondering what happened to that dream of running a successful online business… A dream where you could take an afternoon off carefree to relax or watch your child's school play. What happened to that dream? Like most, you sometimes feel confused and overwhelmed; Constantly seeing the ‘gurus’ and business coaches saying do one thing or another after another, and feeling like you have to do more and more… Just to get mediocre (at best) results.

Thats why I’ve created WriteFlow AI.

WriteFlow AI is a revolutionary tool that helps you write faster and more effectively. It uses artificial intelligence to analyse your writing and suggest improvements, so you can quickly and easily make your writing more powerful and persuasive.

No, your content is not going to sound like a robot, it will be written in your voice. No, you don’t need to know how to code, if you can write a text message, you can use this with ease. No, it’s a helluva cheeper than you’re probably thinking. Yes, you will be left behind if you don’t embrace the changes thats happening right NOW.

WriteFlow AI is specifically for a business leader or subject matter expert who wants to improve and quicken their writing without disrupting their flow. If that is you, this tool is going to blow your mind.

WriteFlow AI is a revolutionary tool that helps you write faster and more effectively. It uses artificial intelligence to analyze your writing and suggest improvements, so you can quickly and easily make your writing more powerful and persuasive. What can it do? A lot - click here for details.

It is designed to help you write faster and more efficiently without sacrificing the quality of your work. It can help you quickly identify and fix common grammar and spelling mistakes, as well as suggest better word choices and sentence structure. It can also help you find the right tone and style for your writing, so you can make sure your message is clear and effective.

WriteFlow AI also offers a range of features that make it easy to customize your writing experience. You can set up custom writing goals, research facts and statistics, and even let it do all your SEO and content creation. You can also use the tool to collaborate with other writers so that you can get feedback and advice from others in your team.

This is Jeff mains - host of Saas fuel, coach to Software businesses

He has been using WriteFlow every week for the last year 🤯

The WriteFlow AI menu can use a few words to generate:

  1. a detailed outline for a long-form article

  2. multiple paragraphs

  3. a short paragraph

  4. a book outline

  5. a list of FAQs

  6. give you 20 headlines

  7. detail a whole advertising campaign

  8. a video script (including an intro, outro, and posting captions)

It can also flex the SEO for your website by:

  1. doing your entire keyword research

  2. create an entire content brief

  3. write you an article to boost your SEO

  4. write you an article to outrank an URL you give it

It will boost your social posting and engagement too by:

  1. generating a content calendar for you

  2. create content and captions for an Instagram carousel

  3. scour the internet and give you the best hashtags for a keyword you provide it

  4. write an Instagram post

  5. write you three tweets

  6. write you Facebook ad copy

For your research needs, WriteFlow AI will:

  1. brainstorm and research your customer using the WHY stack

  2. search and return statistics about a topic

  3. search and return facts about a topic

  4. give you pain points, needs, and desires for your customer

  5. give you industry-trending topics

As a podcaster, it can:

  1. summarize a transcript for you

  2. write you a sales page, like this one

  3. write you an entire course

  4. brainstorm a new podcast idea with you

  5. write you a podcast script

  6. write you an email to promote a podcast episode to your audience

  7. write you an email to inform a guest you’ve interviewed that the episode is live

It can also generate prompts for you. Using the inception menu:

  1. It will generate a ChatGPT prompt for you

  2. A MidJourney prompt for your unique images

Is it too complicated?

Check and see the examples of what AI can do. But the short answer is - It isn’t. I’ve done all the heavy lifting for you. WriteFlow AI is designed to be intuitive and easy to use. If you have used Google Docs before, it will make your document extremely powerful. It has a simple interface and clear instructions, so you can quickly get up and running.

Will it help me write better?

WriteFlow AI uses artificial intelligence to analyse your writing and suggest improvements, so you can quickly and easily make your writing more powerful and more persuasive. You can start with a few words, and it will search the internet, do research, and write for you everything from video scripts to an SEO article that will outrank your competitors’ URLs.

Will it help me write faster?

It is designed to help you write faster and more efficiently without sacrificing the quality of your work. It can help you quickly identify and fix common grammar and spelling mistakes, as well as suggest better word choices and sentence structure. I promise you it will write you information that will totally blow your mind.

It won't help me find the right tone and style. Will it?

WriteFlow AI can help you find the right tone and style for your writing, so you can make sure your message is clear and effective. I will show you how to get it to write in the way you speak. It will absolutely surprise and delight you. If you would like to let me customise this tool for you and your voice, please book a customisation session with me. I would be happy to make this a tool that writes in your voice and tone.

By the way, it took a total of 11 minutes to create this sales page. 2 minutes for WriteFlow AI to create the page, and 9 minutes for me to edit it and change a few things.

much love,


what can writeflow really do?